Neither Buddha Nor God – Running Script 神以外靈以內——行書帖
2021 / 12:42 / Color / Sound / 1.37:1 / USA / Original format: mixed media > 35mm
Neither Buddha Nor God – Running Script looks at different time-scales, contrasting the drift of tectonic motion to the ephemerality and instability of organic life.
Running script (as opposed to regular script) is a style of Chinese calligraphy that has a semi-formal, slightly abbreviated character. It attempts to capture the elusive thoughts and feelings that occur in the moment of writing.
The scanning technique was inspired by early cameraless filmmaking. Objects are placed directly on the scanner and moved, consciously or unconsciously, as light passes through them with successive images creating a record of their movement.
片中掃描技術的靈感來自實驗電影中的無相機電影 (cameraless) 概念——物體置於掃描儀上,光線穿過物體,有意識或無意識移動,連續掃描,如此記錄它們的運動狀態。
Artist statement:
This film began when my father was diagnosed with an illness and embarked upon a long medical journey. All the exam reports and scans referred to life in the most accurate but also the most abstract way. What could these numbers and measurements say about a person? Looking at the mountains, the earth, and the ocean, I pondered the impermanence of individuals.
「本片因劉行欣父親生病而向「內」監控的醫學掃描影像,器官形體不斷在影片盤旋自轉,佐以地景遊走飄蕩的公路影像,關照內(Micro)外(Macro),影像行進彷彿書寫行書,彷彿書寫生命,不斷開頁鋪展,而回應器官的病變和衰敗,也讓這一影像手帖逐漸走成一幅「破山水」」。—弱影像與破山水──2022 年南方影展中的女性影像美學觀察, 作者:許耀文
《神以外靈以內-行書帖》靜物攝影與停格動畫交互運用,一封影像家書呈現恆常宇宙下的變與不變,劇夠 DRAMAGO,作者:藍雨楨 08.25.2023
導演劉行欣:古人用行書帖表達直接情感,我用藝術創作直面生命問題,公視觀點同不同,作者:藍雨楨 08.23.2023