Photo by Jorge Ravelo

Short Bio

Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Liu is an artist, filmmaker, and writer whose work is grounded in experimental literature, the conceptual avant-garde, and philosophy. Liu's works are concerned with materiality in different contexts and eras, as well as its transformation, symbolism, decay, and emotional resonance. For Liu materiality includes both living and inanimate matter. Through film, poetry, painting, sculpture, and other media, she reflects the light and darkness of the world she lives in. Her films have been shown at international film festivals and museums, including Edinburgh International Film Festival, Helsinki Festival, Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris, Image Forum Festival, Japan, Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, The Museum of Kyoto, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, among others. 


Longer Bio

Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Liu is an artist, filmmaker, and writer whose work is grounded in experimental literature, the conceptual avant-garde, and philosophy. Liu's works are concerned with materiality in different contexts and eras, as well as its transformation, symbolism, decay, and emotional resonance. For Liu materiality includes both living and inanimate matter. Through film, poetry, painting, sculpture, and other media, she reflects the light and darkness of the world she lives in.

Liu’s films have been shown at international film festivals and museums, including Edinburgh International Film Festival, Helsinki Festival, Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris, Image Forum Festival, Japan, Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, The Museum of Kyoto, The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, among others. She received the Jury’s First Prize at the Women Make Waves Int'l Film Festival, Taiwan for Close-ups; the Jury Award at the Ann Arbor Film Festival for How Old Are You? How Old Were You?; the Best Experimental Film Award at the South Taiwan Film Festival for A Study of Fly; and the Best Experimental Film Award at the San Diego Asian Film Festival for Teetering Graphite.

Her writings include a novel, Write Across, published in 2008; a play Sorrows of the Island (Finalist for the Taiwan Literature Award, 2011); a short story, The Couch, (Lin Yutang Literary Judges Award, 2011); and a printed book, 日裸: Hsing-Hsin’s Poetry and Photography, published in 2013.

She has taught at CalArts including courses such as: “Aesthetic Inquiries - Contemporary Asia," "Gender and Sexuality in Asian Cinema – A Preliminary Study of Urban Phenomenon and Postmodern Cinema" and "History of Experimental Film." Liu serves on the programming committee of Los Angeles Filmforum and is a curator at Automata, LA.

She currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California.


行欣的電影曾在國際電影節和博物館展映,包括愛丁堡國際電影節、赫爾辛基藝術節、巴黎差異與實驗影展、東京影像論壇、伊斯坦堡國際實驗電影節藝術節、京都博物館、舊金山現代藝術博物館等。獲獎作品包括《小團圓記》(台灣女性影展最佳評審獎)、《入世》(美國安納堡電影節最佳評審獎)、《飛的修羅場》(台灣南方影展最佳實驗電影獎)、《巛- - - 谷 》(美國聖地牙哥亞洲電影節最佳實驗電影獎)。個人文學著作出版及獲獎包括:長篇小說《惝情書》(唐山出版社)、短篇小說《沙發》(林語堂文學獎)、攝影詩集《日裸: Hsing-Hsin’s Poetry and Photography》(個人出版)。

他曾在加州藝術學院(CalArts)擔任客座講師,教授課程有:《美學探究—當代亞洲電影》、《亞洲電影中的性別與性—城市現象與後現代電影初探》和《實驗電影史》。他是洛杉磯電影論壇(LA Filmforum)的節目委員會成員之一,也是洛杉磯實驗劇場 Automata 的策展人。
